Hands On Activities! So Much Fun!

About Us

I am a SAHM/WAHM of three boys ranging in age from 13 to 29. We are working on raising our youngest, helping our oldest two, and navigating starting our retirement all at the same time. I author a few blogs, including http://teched4kids.com. I have in the past taught computer information technology classes for the local university and taught workshops for kid’s in technology education besides being the Kentucky State FIRST LEGO League Championship Coordinator from 2005 to 2008. I now advocate for STEM education wherever I can.  Life here is always an adventure!

Advocacy (IEP)

Here in Illinois there are a few places you can turn to find advocates. When making an IEP for school generally the parents and teachers get together to discuss goals and set up supports and services for the year. Parents can also call meetings throughout the year if...

Newsela and the News

Last year when we took a break to go remote our local school decided that they didn't want to pressure the kids with learning anything new. The grade school, we were doing 5th grade, simply wanted to work on keeping up the students social emotional learning. My little...

CodaKid (More Coding) or you can learn and have fun too!

There are so many ways to make learning fun. One of the things we've tied in is CodaKid (besides Tynker). On a side note though, last night we were watching the new Netflix documentary on the Social Dilemma. A documentary-drama hybrid that explores the human impact of...

Tynker Coding (adding coding to homeschool)

Debating what to study for homeschooling, one of our thoughts was 'We need a language!'. We discussed every option of language we had some experience with and looked at what colleges are accepting. Interestingly enough some colleges now are taking programming...

Playing with Fractions using Cooking

We were needing a break a couple days ago during homeschooling and making cookies seemed to check all the boxes. I was reminded of the old skit by Bill Cosby where he discussed cake for breakfast.... eggs, milk.... yep it's breakfast! Making cookies is fractions! We...

Starting Home School

Yep, we decided to completely swap to homeschool, we got our curriculum (we got extra!) and we are ready. What we learned quickly was the same as the old adage about too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup or whatever that saying is... both my husband and I...
Tech Break? How about tech time?

Tech Break? How about tech time?

Our paper just ran an article that included a challenge to take a tech break each day - which is great, but I'd like to challenge everyone to take an hour using tech each day and learn something. There are so many great sites available online for everyone from kids to...

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My son likes doing math and his school has used prodigy for several years. A couple different schools through the last couple years, but they both have used prodigy. The school has provided the basics for him, but we finally went ahead and got him the parent upgrade...

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Ted Talk on Procrastination

Ted Talk on Procrastination

My middle son just started a special research program at Oak Ridge National Lab (Yep, I'm proud of him)...  that being said, on the way back from taking items down for him to move in we listened to TED talks.  One I just had to offer an opinion on was about...

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Review-Mrs. Gorski, I think I have the Wiggle Fidgets

Review-Mrs. Gorski, I think I have the Wiggle Fidgets

Mrs. Gorski I think I have the Wiggle Fidgets is Free currently on Amazon.com. Kindle frequently has free books and this is one of those.  The books are free for a limited time.  Kindle books can be read on an iDevice, a Kindle, or on your PC. This book is about David...

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YouTube Videos

YouTube Videos

My son loves watching youtube videos. It's one of his methods of stimming.  He likes watching the videos of other people playing his favorite games like minecraft.  We have his computer set up right beside our television in the living room, so that whether we are...

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