Facebook Cloning… Is that friend request really You????

Facebook cloning involves someone making a copy of your facebook account and then sending friend requests to your friends. For someone with a Friend Requestdevious purpose in mind – whether it’s to bully your children, or spam your friends, it’s a really quick and easy way for identity theft to happen.

To help prevent cloning of your account, there are a few things you can do. By making your account more private it will be harder for others to make copies of your account and take your place in the world!

One important thing to remember (and remind your kids) is not to approve friend request of strangers. I set all my privacy that I don’t want to share with the world to friends only (you can never be sure who your friends share with, so friends of friends is a little too iffy).

Set PrivacySet your privacy using the symbol in the top right corner. – Using the privacy settings you can determine who can see what things in your account.   I also have my account set up so that I can be tagged and have anything appear on my timeline (and to my friends) until I approve it.Privacy

Privacy can also be set on your friend list to “Only Me” or ”

If you receive a friend request from a friend that you think you are already friends with, verify that it is your friend.  That can be the first sign that it’s a cloned account.  The account will look just like the real account making it difficult to find the fake account after you hfriendsave approved both accounts.

Facebook doesn’t currently have a lot of methods in place to deal with a cloned account.