Mrs. Gorski I think I have the Wiggle Fidgets is Free currently on
Kindle frequently has free books and this is one of those. The books are free for a limited time. Kindle books can be read on an iDevice, a Kindle, or on your PC.
This book is about David that can’t sit still in class.
David doesn’t know how he ends up in such situations. At the time, it just seems like a great idea.
All the reviews on Amazon are good, and I totally agree! It reminds me a little of my middle son who if he sees a button he must press it. It’s like an irresistible urge strikes him. But in this case David is in class and annoying the teacher.
For me it highlighted the difference in types of learning for kids. Some children learn better lectured in a classroom, but many learn better for by ‘doing’ and interacting. So many great ideas so little time.
I help with the local hands on science museum and see it all the time – where kids come in, try things, and leave excited about everything they have tried. They also remember more of what they learned!
This is one of four books in the series about children who learn differently. Each of the books explains different learning challenges (dyslexia, difficulty with timed tests, handwriting and ADHD) in kid friendly lingo. The only problem with this book is that it’s not as easy to share and pass around to everyone you know. I would love to pass a copy to the teachers we interact with.
Added 5/12/2018
I just received a link to an article on paying for treatment and the cost of learning disabilities. With my son we have been super lucky to be in an area with great resources available to us. (The Kelly Autism Program at Western Kentucky University is amazing!) – But many families are not in that position. We’ve also been lucky that we haven’t faced the need for extensive specialized treatment. Going to The Clinical Education Complex, the Kelly Autism Program and having Early Intervention met their goals to help my son function in a society that thinks differently and has different social cues and norms than he functions under. I won’s say everything has been champagne and roses, but it has definitely been made easier than it could have been without early intervention and the assistance of all the great organizations in our area. In many areas the cost is astronomical – I just saw on a special report about people paying almost $20,000 just for a special needs dog! I can’t even fathom the cost. Add to that ABA therapy, speech and all the additional treatments that many parents are faced with and it can be a huge burden. Then you add in respite care so that parents can have a break, and the counseling many parents don’t get when they feel the guilt for seeking some self care time.
Many states and not for profits have grants available for special needs children (and adults). You can find organizations for everything from iPads, treatment, dogs, and more. For Example Paws with a Cause is an organization that helps kids with autism get service dogs. There are so many great organizations out there it is definitely work checking into, especially before just paying out of pocket!