Review-Mrs. Gorski, I think I have the Wiggle Fidgets

Review-Mrs. Gorski, I think I have the Wiggle Fidgets

Mrs. Gorski I think I have the Wiggle Fidgets is Free currently on Kindle frequently has free books and this is one of those.  The books are free for a limited time.  Kindle books can be read on an iDevice, a Kindle, or on your PC. This book is about David...
Interactive Puzzle Books for the Kindle

Interactive Puzzle Books for the Kindle

I just noticed the book Hamster Habitat is free for the Kindle currently. It’s only for Kindle, but if you have a Kindle, a puzzle book can be a great way to develop problem solving skills while having a good time.  For now it’s free so it’s...

Trade E Books

I love reading and my kids do too.  Buying books though can get expensive and if you have the hard copies as opposed to the ebooks they can take a lot of space – especially if like our family no books ever go away.  (It took a 17 foot moving truck to move my husbands...

Borrowing Books on the Kindle

Borrowing e-books is a lot like borrowing regular books from the library. Instead of going to the library, you can simply go to your library’s Web site to search for the book you want. Here’s the instructions for our library to borrow Kindle Books: Browse...