home schoolers, home schooling, Social Networking, teachers resources
Tech Ed has a Facebook Page, where we can share information with everyone, but many organizations also have facebook groups to interact. Groups allow people to ask questions, get answers, search, and interact. In groups you can meet people that are having similar...
app reviews, Social Networking
There are social media networks everywhere. As a parent it’s impossible to keep up with all of them! One I’ve found recently is Whisper. It allows people to type an anonymous statement and then tries to match it with a picture. (You can use your own...
Cool Technology, education, educational tools, home schoolers, home schooling, kids, teachers resources
I recently found the website ABCya. It was created by a former teacher and is filled with fun educational games. Check it out at http://www.abcya.com/ I am a former school teacher who started ABCya.com in 2004 because I could not find FREE and nonviolent...