Toy Story 3 Memory Match Game


This game include Easy, Medium, and Hard options and can be played in free play or a timed option.  My youngest enjoys playing it and I do to. It’s great for working on memory.


You flip the cards to find two that match. If they don’t match you try to remember what was there and where there were so that you can match them up with other cards later.  I actually really like these type of games. My favorite character in Toy Story is Mr. Potato Head, but all the characters are fun.  After playing this a few times we always have to watch the movies another time.

This app is also Free making it worth the money.  It’s just over 10 MB, so not too huge given the graphics.  If you like Disney and memory games is definitely worth checking out.  (IMO: Memory skills are a good thing to develop for future academic success.)


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