Iconic Sky Lite

Do you want to know the most famous planets, star clusters and galaxies? In play mode, collect points by matching up their images and names. In learning mode, the images are explained. Built-in web-links take you straight to high-resolution image sources and to more information. The images are mostly from NASA, ESA and ESO. iconicSky is presented by Sterne und Weltraum and Spektrum der Wissenschaft (German edition of Scientific American).

This is a great app for a student taking astronomy – and it’s free. It can also be fun just to see all the beautiful images from the universe.



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  1. Hello Karla,
    I was wondering on a similar note,, I need some reviews about this product. I was told that Mark Hill styling products are very good and i am thinking about buying Mark Hill Mini Iconic Styler for my sis on her birthday.
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    1. I’m not sure you are looking at this as the right thing. This is an app for the iPhone…. We have an interest in Astronomy in my family so for us it’s a good app especially for FREE! It’s also a good app for students taking astronomy. It isn’t really a preschool app, more for older students and also useful if homeschooling.

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