Homeschool Share (HSS) is a on-line cooperative effort of several homeschooling moms to provide free but quality literature-based unit studies and resources.

Check Homeschool Share out on their website or on facebook.    The Homeschool Share is a pretty basic website.  I had a little bit of trouble finding things, but there is a search. I wish the search was a little easier with someway to filter for downloadable content. The site isn’t the prettiest and I had trouble finding things quickly – but there is some great content to download.

I also noticed that if you share resources they now become the property of homeschool share.

Anything submitted after January 1st, 2009 may not be shared elsewhere.  It will be property of Homeschool Share.

If you are homeschooling or looking for resources on a topic for lesson plans I would say it’s definitely worth wandering around.  There is even an astronomy giveaway going on this month.  I’m following the site to watch for other great things and have been collecting some lapbooks that fit with topics I would like to explore.  There are even sections divided by grade level.  I’ve already downloaded several things on astronomy.



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