SchoolSparks just published a free e-book called “Early Writing For Little Hands.” This e-book has talks about introducing your child to the 26 letters (it has tips and advice – the author is a retired teacher). The last half of the e-book are free full-color letter tracing worksheets (one worksheet for each uppercase and lowercase letter).
I am getting a copy to save for when my little one starts on writing letters. The last 52 pages are the free letter tracing printable kindergarten worksheets so you can print as many as you want if you need extra for your child to practice. For now I’ll probably keep an electronic copy (Maybe print one copy for my lapbook collection). I store all of these in a folder subdivided by subject. I also use delicious to bookmark these sites so that I can come back from time to time and check for new things.
In this particular book I love that the author included tips for left handed students. The majority of students are right handed and I know from experience with my son that some teachers find it difficult to work with a left handed student in the early grades.
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