Chimpanzee (Photo credit: Dhammika Heenpella / Images of Sri Lanka)

Confessions of an Overworked Mom has some great materials to download and print currently on her site.  I first noticed the Chimpanzee Worksheets – download Here and love them.  You can make an activity book out of all the great sheets (they include dot to dots and What’s the Difference).

The Author is:

About Ellen Christian

Ellen is a busy mom of two teenagers who left the corporate world in 2008 to focus on a more eco-friendly life. She lives in rural Vermont where she juggles family, two blogs and a career in social media.

As I looked through the site I also found a review of Bilingual Me (here).    I really believe it’s important for kids to learn a second language.  I studied Spanish and French in school and really wish I remembered more of what I learned.  I’ve been trying to learn Italian off and on, but as we get older it’s tougher to learn another language.  I would love to be able to go to another country and order lunch without having to have a translator along for the whole trip.  I visited China a few years ago – we went to Beijing and Xiamen and I really wanted to visit the Ancient Observatory.  I found a translator and still had trouble, apparently Ancient Observatory isn’t a common request.  Learning another language gives you the ability, if not to have the right word, to at least come up with a description that will explain what you want to see.  I think my translator and I were able to get around to it with a map and me pointing to where I wanted to go – which luckily was labeled on the map in English and Chinese.

Now my oldest has taken – Chinese, Japanese, and Latin.  I wasn’t really able to help him with these languages, but I am glad he studied a few languages to add to his studies.

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