
A fun thing my little one and I have done that I’ve found he enjoys is making videos of things we have gotten to review.  I like to post reviews of items I’ve gotten on Amazon to let people know what I think of them…. (the ball below isn’t this one, but it is the same type of ball).  I was debating one day if there was a way to make a video explaining the ball but couldn’t hole the camera too.  One option would have been for my little one to hold the camera, but he tends to cut heads off – or other body parts.

At this point I found that Konnor just loved explaining each of the items and how they worked on camera.  For a kid that doesn’t like pictures normally, social interaction with his peers, and a lot of other things…. I was a little surprised, but super proud of him.  He proceeded to look at the instruction card that came with and demonstrate each of the things on the card.  I had gotten a few different yoga things and he demonstrated each one – A lot better than I would of! Even if the videos are just for us, he did a great job and enjoyed it.  It also got him moving, trying each thing.  In the process he found that he loves playing with the yoga ball!  So it is still center stage in our living room and used as everything from a chair to a toy.