Remember the ACTs and SATs? (Or even the GRE) One one of the things I had the most trouble wit
h were the abstract questions. This app really isn’t on that level of question, but it does help get conversations started and get kids thinking.
Question Builder for IPad is $5.99 and is by Mobile Education. Mobile Education has several more apps that fit in this category also. The app includes an evaluation that can be used by a teacher to review the students progress. There are different levels and it can be used for more than one student (also a plus for schools). It has great reviews also:
My students enjoy playing Question Builder! The pictures hold their attention and they enjoy the sometimes silly reinforcements. As an SLP, I like having the ability to track their progress and make sure they are at the correct level. Not only does this app help them with answering questions, it also is helping with listening and reading.
I love this type of app, though I have a hard time bringing myself to pay $5.99 I think an app can be worth it. This app rates in that category and I recommend it for kids working on language skills. Check out this app and the others by Mobile Education. Even though my little one is only three I think this app will really help his comprehension. We are working on language skills with him and this is an app that I can feel good about him playing with.
ITunes Description:
Named a top 12 reading comprehension app by!
Question Builder is designed to help elementary aged children learn to answer abstract questions and create responses based on inference. Extensive use of audio clips promotes improved auditory processing for special needs children with autism spectrum disorders or sensory processing disorders. Audio clip reinforcement can be turned on or off for non-special needs children.
Question Builder offers a rich and fun environment for improving the ability to abstract.
-Optimized for iPad
-Simple and intuitive interface to answer questions
-Why, What, Where, How and Random question formats
-1200 audio clips of questions and answers
-3 levels of abstraction
-Optional text and audio reinforcement
-Statistics to track student progress
-60 encouragement animations and audio clipsLANGUAGES
– Compatible with iPadQuestion Builder features SmarTots, the premier mobile education application network for families.
SmarTots provides learning reports and mobile education app reviews that help parents understand what their children are learning. Signing up for SmarTots also gives parents access to fun activities that enhance the educational value of mobile education apps like this one. Click the Parent Button inside this app to get these great features.
Mobile Education Tools is a member of Moms with Apps, a collaborative group of family-friendly developers seeking to promote quality apps for kids and families.
Recommended Ages: 3-6, 6-10
Categories: Special Needs
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