Original iPhone in dock, restarting.

Original iPhone in dock, restarting. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I have not had a chance to try this out yet – really we have just about everything you can imagine in our house already, but this sounds like a great idea and I had to share.  If you have tried it please let me know how it went.

Gizmo Takeout is kind of like the original Netflix or Gamefly but for gadgets.

The workings are simple

  1. Select from our numerous curated gadgets like the iPhone, iPad, Microsoft Surface, sports gadgets and more that you would love to try out but not necessarily buy just yet
  2. Rent it for a period of 4 days, 7 days, 14 days or longer
  3. They ship it out to you and you receive it on the day you selected to receive it
  4. Return it on the specified day in the prepaid envelope

It does make me wonder about how they handle phone service?  There are 12 smart phones listed (some are out of stock currently).  If you are currently going from a land line or basic phone to a smart phone I could see the data usage surprising some unsuspecting user.  This is a great chance to give it a try though!  With the phone you have the additional hassle of swapping service around, but this does seem like an easier deal than buying a phone just to try it out.  If you want to try the Android and use IOs or vice versa.

Gizmo Takeout is worth checking out if you are in the market for a new gadget and are unsure how much you will really use those features.


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