A pile of Lego blocks, of assorted colours and...
A pile of Lego blocks, of assorted colours and sizes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Another video has been released for LEGOs in Space.  This one is the NASA Fishing Rod Video and Activities.

Join the crew of the International Space Station (ISS) as they use scientific method to determine if a LEGO Fishing Rod is effective in microgravity.

You and the crew on board the ISS will work as a team to measure the distance of each cast of the fishing rod on Earth and in space.

Topics include:

Effort, Machine, Pulley Block, Load and more!

Check out www.LEGOspace.com to download the video, teacher notes, student worksheets, and building instructions.

The Fishing Rod video is the fourth in a series to be released throughout the first half of 2012. To receive updates and keep your classroom current on all upcoming LEGO Bricks in Space activities, click here.




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