’s philosophy:

iPhone ABA App
iPhone ABA App (Photo credit: COG LOG LAB.)

At we are proud to offer you quality education apps exclusively available through itunes.  All of our games are designed to work on Apple’s iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.

Our apps have been specifically developed using an ABA approach to provide tools and strategies that encourage creative thinking and effective language building.

My little ones speech teacher recommended these apps and let me know about them.  They are free this month!

One of my favorites is:

ABA What Rhymes?  “Did you ever see a goose kissing a moose, down by the bay…” Rhyming is a basic component of phonics and very important pre-reading skill that prepares young children for spelling and decoding words.  Teaching rhyming words in preschool and kindergarten sets a solid base for reading comprehension later on.

I’ve reviewed ABA Flash Card before and can recommend it. The apps fall into three categories: Flash Cards, Receptive Identification, and Problem Solving.

Technology can be an excellent learning tool for children with special needs!  Children are drawn to it and this is another way to turn play into learning and make it fun!

Check out these great resources also if you are in need of help obtaining resources:




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