A friend shared FunBrain with me and I thought I should check it out!
I ended up stuck in one of the games that let you lift a blob monster into the air and drop him onto a teeter totter – launching his buddy into the air and hopefully into the tub of water that moved around. I wasn’t able to hit the puddle of water, and it kept moving, but it was addictive.
The site was really colorful and had lots of games. It was free though there were ‘hooks’ like the reading books were excerpts with links to buy the book on Amazon.
The book to the left was a book that looked like a chapter book that I could imagine my older kids having loved when they were in grade school.
There were also lots of great reading games (and math games) too. The games are fun and many are two people also. Check out Math Baseball! You can challenge your child to play you in Math Baseball and see who hits a home run.
There are also Madlibs for kids that like to make their own wacky stories, even one that centers around school.
I can’t wait to show this site to my youngest later. He’s just getting excited about reading and can do some basic addition and this looks like a site that will help practice those skills in a fun and colorful way. I love sites that are fun AND educational. FunBrain is one that I am bookmarking on our computer and can recommend to friends.
(For younger kids, my little one is still loving OwlieBoo. His favorite is to make the owls play)