My little one loves streaming youtube videos. He can sit for long stretches at a time watching videos of people playing games like minecraft telling how they have played….
I have a few videos for moms that I love! So I thought I would share them.
Kristina Kuzmic is one of my favorites. She is inspiring, but also she has videos showing some exagerations of real life. If you have ever walked into the bathroom over and over to find the toilet paper roll empty or had to get a sippy cup with different temperatures and types of cups of water over and over at night trying to get your kids to go to bed, she totally understands!
Leann and Michelle think they’re funny – The first of their videos I saw was If You’re my Friend then You’ll Buy This! I loved it. I think I know someone that sells everything listed. Their current video is – It’s time to dust off the elf. Their videos all show things that are so common in our lives. They are just taking off, mainly on facebook, but I have no doubt they will get there!
The Holderness Family – This whole family gets involved. They have even tried some videos on giving up technology for a weekend. Some of their latest include, His Presents are Dumb and one on Christmas Jammies 2017.
When I’m playing a lot of these, my little one stops and has to watch with me. The only one he doesn’t like is Leann and Michelle’s It’s all about the Bed when they talk about No Snuggle since he loves to Snuggle…. Every so often I take a break and watch one with the little one!