Right now there are so many cool options for exercising and learning at the same time. Being at home, no school, no social options, exercise on a treadmill seems to be an option. It’s great when we can combine exercise and education. I’m lucky to have a treadmill that links to an online app that can control it, but there are lot of other options. In the past we have done BigGym that does tours and uses the camera on your ipad, but my treadmill has the iFit option built into it. With iFit we’ve been working our way through the Egypt pyramids tour for now. We’ve learned about the Great Pyramid of Gyza and just started on the Bent Pyramid. A tour guide walks us around showing us the area and explaining everything while we walk around with him.

We’ve also explored national parks, famous old world cities, and even our neighborhood through virtual walks. My middle son discussed how cool it would be to have the option to use a VR headset while walking, but personally I could see falling off the back of a treadmill if I was using that option.

My youngest loves pacing, especially walking around in circles, but walking on the treadmill has been added as a new favorite. He hates that bugs outside… So when you add in a treadmill indoors without the risk of bugs and he can control the incline and speed – he’s happy. He started slow going .5 Mph and has worked up to 3.5 mph and added an incline. I suspect this will continue even after social distancing is a thing of the past.