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If you were worried that Google Plus might just be another thing, you were probably right. (I’ve been through Myspace and Facebook!). But now there is a  cool new Google Hangouts feature that makes it a valuable resource for connecting kids (and parents) with their faraway family and friends.

The Scout and Doodle Program that’s part of Google Hangouts lets kids doodle and interact with any of their cousins, grandparents, or long distance friends. From coloring pictures to playing games, all they need is a computer and WIFI and Google Plus.

Google Plus does have it’s privacy issues just like Facebook and Myspace so be sure to create your own account also and make sure your kids add you to their circles.  I usually try to check out my kids page from a friend that isn’t their ‘friend’ to make sure they aren’t sharing too much information.  Also keep an eye on their friends and make sure they know them personally.  In Google Plus there are circles and each circle can represent anything from stranger to friends.

Like Facebook though this is a great way to stay in touch with family and friends in other areas – and it can be interactive!

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