YouTube Videos

YouTube Videos

My son loves watching youtube videos. It’s one of his methods of stimming.  He likes watching the videos of other people playing his favorite games like minecraft.  We have his computer set up right beside our television in the living room, so that whether we...
Favorite Video Bloggers for Mom

Favorite Video Bloggers for Mom

My little one loves streaming youtube videos.  He can sit for long stretches at a time watching videos of people playing games like minecraft telling how they have played…. I have a few videos for moms that I love! So I thought I would share them. Kristina...
YouTube Stimming

YouTube Stimming

Stimming is: Self-stimulatory behaviour – or stimming – is repetitive or unusual body movement or noises.  My son stims though as he gets older I’ve noticed the type of stimming has changed.  He would pace and pace, making the whole floor shake when in the house doing...
Getting Stronger in the Pool

Getting Stronger in the Pool

(Guest Post by Allie Gleason from EducatorLabs) Via Flickr – by Simply Swim UK     If someone were to ask me why I love swimming so much, I would tell them about how much it has boosted my confidence. And that’s a big deal coming from me. As a kid, my Asperger’s...