
Facebook is really becoming a site for adults as much or more so than kids.  It serves as a place to post what is going on with your day, interact with friends, get advice from your friends and family, share what’s up with your day and interact.  You have a main...
Getting Stronger in the Pool

Getting Stronger in the Pool

(Guest Post by Allie Gleason from EducatorLabs) Via Flickr – by Simply Swim UK     If someone were to ask me why I love swimming so much, I would tell them about how much it has boosted my confidence. And that’s a big deal coming from me. As a kid, my Asperger’s...
Facebook Groups (Part One)

Facebook Groups (Part One)

If you are looking for a community of like minded people, advice, a place to sell things, a place to buy things, or so much more – facebook groups has the place for you! Some of my favorite groups include: 1. A local coupon group 2. A free speech group ( secret...

Facebook – It’s more than you think

If you are on facebook using it for many purposes you probably already know about all the different ways you can use facebook… but if you just have your newsfeed and friends and drop by once in a while you may not realize all the great tools out there for...